Risk Disclosure: Trading in financial instruments, listed and traded derivatives and/or cryptocurrencies involves a high degree of risk at all times, including the risk of losing some or all of the amount invested. Depending on the investment, more than the invested capital may also be lost. Therefore, we urge you to note that exchange trading may not be suitable for all investors. 

Prices of indices, bund, commodities, cryptocurrencies and currency pairs are extremely volatile and can be affected by external factors such as financial, regulatory or political events.

We expressly point out that we (Market Movers) are not a financial services provider and we do not provide financial advice and/or support. In addition, we do not provide investment recommendations, financial portfolio management or investment brokerage at any time. 

We (Market Movers) are not securities service companies, investment companies or investment stock corporations. In CopyTrading, each affiliated account trades at its own risk with full personal responsibility. We do not assume any liability.

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